District Secretary (Copy)

District Secretary

About the Office

The AZ-CA District Secretary is Steven Gabb, pastor at Hope Lutheran Church in Los Angeles, California.

The District Secretary duties include:

  • Serving on the AZ-CA district presidium along with the district president and two vice-presidents

  • Recording and distributing the minutes of the presidium meetings and district convention

  • Serving as treasurer of the district

  • Overseeing the district website

  • Maintaining the contact list for the district and forwarding information to the pastors and congregations of the district as requested

  • Coordinating many aspects of the biennial AZ-CA District Convention, held in June of the even years

  • Compiling and publishing the AZ-CA District Convention Proceedings

  • Coordinating delegates for the biennial Synod Convention of the WELS, held in the odd years